The Movement And The Madman on SBS
The Movement And The Madman (image - SBS)

Tonight | The Movement And The Madman on SBS and SBS on Demand

The Movement And The Madman on SBS – The Movement And The Madman shows how two antiwar protests in the fall of 1969 — the largest America had ever seen — pressured President Nixon to cancel what he called his “madman” plans for a massive escalation of the U.S. war in Vietnam, including a threat to use nuclear weapons.

At the time, protestors had no idea how influential they could be and how many lives they may have saved.

Told through remarkable archival footage and firsthand accounts from movement leaders, Nixon administration officials, historians, and others, the film explores how the leaders of the antiwar movement mobilized disparate groups from coast to coast to create two massive protests that changed history.

The Movement And The Madman on SBS and SBS on Demand – Premiere / Friday 28 June at 7.30pm

TV Central SBS content HERE

The Movement And The Madman on SBS

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