7NEWS Spotlight on Channel 7
7NEWS Spotlight (image - Seven)

Tonight | 7NEWS Spotlight on Channel 7 and 7plus

7NEWS Spotlight on Channel 7 – Annastacia Palaszczuk and panel of leading experts face the tough questions.

COVID changed the world. But did Australia’s leaders get it right?

Three years on from the pandemic, the impacts are lasting – on our health, our children and the elderly.  

In this must-see 7NEWS Spotlight event of the year airing on Sunday at 8.45pm on Channel 7 and 7plus, host Michael Usher will confront the critical questions that authorities have avoided answering until now.

Did lockdown serve us well? What impact has COVID had on school children? Were we deprived of our civil liberties? Did we rush the jab? What are the positives to come out of the pandemic? And what have been the key lessons?

Former Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk leads a panels of experts who were directly involved in Australia’s COVID response. She’ll be joined by Professor Robert Boyd, a vaccinology, epidemiology and infectious diseases specialist; Professor Kerryn Phelps, former president of the Australian Medical Association, former federal MP and one of Australia’s most high-profile doctors and public health commentators; Gigi Foster, professor with the School of Economics at the University of NSW and author of multiple books on the pandemic; and Associate Professor Sanjaya Senanayake, a practicing doctor and infectious diseases specialist at the Australian National University College of Health and Medicine.

The decisions they made and advice they gave is put under the microscope in a heated interrogation by a live studio audience.

Michael Usher said:

“Looking back at what our leaders and experts did right and wrong during the COVID pandemic was never going to be an easy exercise. The impact on people was deep.

“We found it’s still a very emotional issue to discuss. It’s a very honest debate. Some will never be happy with Australia’s pandemic response, some think we did the right things for the greater good, and we found now is the right time to discuss how some people were failed.”

This unmissable edition of 7NEWS Spotlight will offer an unflinching look at the strategies employed by authorities. Were they effective? Were they necessary? Were they right? And, most importantly, what we could do differently next time?

7NEWS Spotlight on Channel 7 and 7plusAfter COVID This Sunday, 8.45pm on Channel 7

Media Release – Seven

TV Central Seven content HERE


  • Judi

    Was healthy, had no issues, had 1st Pfizer no reaction, had 2nd Pfizer and within 24hrs was not able to get out of bed, brain was telling me to, but body wouldn’t move, family attempted to get me out, was dizzy could not walk, had server head aches. This lasted on and off, visited Drs, told it could be migraine, vertigo I had never taken panadol for headaches so knew something was severely wrong.
    Had brain scan, nothing showed up Dr suggested I go see neurologist, had to wait and wait about 8mon ths for appointment. He ordered MRI which showed brain aneurysm, had to wait and wait for for further testing. Was eventually house bound until specialist was due to perform coiling, however this was delayed due to nurses strike, so reschedule five weeks later.
    Coiling was done, I’m now awaiting 12month check up, still have small headaches, sleep pattern all over the place. Won’t have any more vaccines in my life time.

  • Alice

    I got Pfizer vaccine and I developed thrombophlebitis from the injection site left arm with excessive itching terrible pain I went to to ED several times the were reluctant to examine until I pushed wanting to know what was happening because the thrombophlebitis started from vaccine injection site and continue own left breast down through to the abdomen to leg and we get be and be and felt like they going to burst up to this time no doctors was brave to say it was due to COVID vaccine because the not warned to talk about any effects of COVID vaccine. I told them Iam not leaving ED until you tell me what’s causing these in not the vaccine. Reluctantly on of the female Dr called COVID vaccine consultants and the said the y have been seeing women coming with the same complaint

  • Jillian

    C19 came as a total shock to the world. No one was prepared for it, at least to standard it required. I had a bit of experience knowing the fears of HIV/AIDS, as I lived in US at the time, as well as worked at a veterinary clinic when Parvo started up. So when news of virus and deaths increased. I hoped for a vaccine asap, but even with that hope I knew that with no time to waste, then complete testing would not happen, but at least majority would be saved, but hoped for all of course.
    I was so happy that AstraZeneca (sp?) finally was available, and Pfizer, but still I waited for more info. Many places wouldn’t let you in if you didn’t have that first shot. Being over 60, I was dismayed to find only AZ wass avail. for anyone over 60. No exceptions, or that is what I thought. Took a lot of research, but I did find out, by chance that AZ had an issue with blood clotting. It was at a time when I was still learning about my ‘Factor V Leiden Gene’. I’d had major blood clots in arm 1992, and 2018 in leg. It took a while to investigate online, but found out that I should not take AZ shot. It took me a further while to find out that Adel Hosp. would clear over 60s for Pfizer, and even longer time to get approval – wait time after submission was 8 weeks. I stayed isolated at home, and always wore a mask out. I avoided so much, but wanted the vax. I had people try to talk me out of it, and take other. Govt made it hard for this to happen. Then one day, through someone online I heard of a location where Pfizer was being given, with ‘no questions asked’. Within 30 minutes I went and had my shot. A couple of my friends did same.
    6 weeks later I got OK letter from the Adel Hosp. No longer required their AZ shot, and so glad I’d saved 6 weeks of stressing. I told my local doctor of how I’d gotten around the system, and he was amazed.
    I know that many won’t do all the things I did to make sure that I got something other than one that might have potentially killed me. But it just shows what can be achieved if questions are asked. And I certainly learnt to be more cautious about my Factor V gene. I still believe that to save many in times of new viruses, etc. sometimes full trials may not be possible, and I am grateful for what did come available, and that I had choices, and some knowledge, even though I had to research it myself.

  • Michael

    The tga is being paid of by the WHO and big pharmaceutical companies. They are all in the same boat, they are all corrupt. The mainstream media is a load of rubbish and full of lies. I can hope people power will shine through 🙏🏻

  • Tina

    We couldn’t even get sense out of any gp. Due to one having a heart issue questioned what would be best option “just get any”….
    Well looking around seeing others get ill etc. Plus our own research there was no way “just any” could be any good, so big No. During the times pubs, clubs etc made decisions to shut people out of social gatherings & events we were victimised & treated like leapers, anti vaxers. We were not anti vaxers, just could not bring ourselves to taking a potentially lethal jab. This was very disturbing being shunned however was not compromising our health for anyone. Those who had the jab were of a bigger threat to our health well being, through shedding. We believe there are people more angry now, deceased, suffering many illnesses & so forth. The majority of people we know who have had the jab have had covid, even severe & often more then once, plus so many with various health issues. Now what about the supreme court ruling that the covid enforcements are classed as illegal, a crime against humanity, we never heard anything about that in this spotlight report.

  • Gail

    I had 2 Astrazenica vacinations and 1 moderna booster only because we were forced to do so for work and because Daniel Andrews put the fear of death in everyone that we would die if not vacinated and they were mandatory. I am not having any more. Since the vacinations cancer and autoimmune diseases have increased dramatically. Why weren’t more of the audience allowed to address their views and tell their stories? The debate was one sided and Michael Usher did half a job. It was very disappointing.

  • Michael

    Covid 19 was one of the biggest scams that ever existed in Australia. All derived from big pharmaceutical companies that controlled the government. Then we the general public were forced to poisoned by the needle. The only thing it killed was the small business and sent the world backwards. The only people that died from coronavirus was the people who were sick anyway. The biggest money making scam I have ever seen in my lifetime.

  • John

    Our family were very lucky to be in a position of being able to decline the injectables in 2021. We all caught the virus in mid 2022 with only very minor symptoms. Unfortunately we have lost some close family members suddenly and unexpectedly, possibly related to the injectables. We will never know. My thoughts go out to all who have been affected in some way by this catastrophe.

  • Kelly

    What a disgusting “debate” so disappointed, people with an opposing viewpoint were basically cut short, the audience had a lot more to say but were cut off so we could listen to the vaccine pushers. Absolutely nothing has changed from 3 years ago, media is still just spinning the same old vaccines are great bs. I got excited when the guy yelled out that they are neither safe nor effective, but of course you cut him off so we could hear the so called “expert” push vaccines. People will never trust government, media or medical professionals again and you all have blood on your hands, total disgrace.

  • Raylene

    So disappointed spotlight.
    You did the usual with the usual people instead of letting the audience tell their stories and all your professionals answer them. Got excited thinking someone’s finally got the guts to tell the truth.
    Typical media…what a let down 😔

  • Narelle

    Covid! The most horrendous & overrated thing I’ve ever seen! Another virus 🙄 handled badly! I was not an ant Vax person…but I bloody well am now! Sadly I’ve had 3 stupid Vax jabs. Only because I needed to see my dear Dad in aged care. He has now passed away 😢 I will not have the Vax again. Too much government bullshit & cover up about everything I’m so disillusioned.

  • John Domina

    The first rotavirus vaccine and the swine flu vaccines were taken off the market because of a 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 35000 adverse event (respectively) and yet covid jabs have a 1 in 800 adverse event and they are recommending a sixth booster…..

  • J Domina

    The first rotavirus vaccine and the swine flu vaccines were taken off the market because of a 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 35000 adverse event (respectively) and yet covid jabs have a 1 in 800 adverse event and they are recommending a sixth booster…..

  • I thought you mentioned a talk about the cough? My daughter who’s never had a cough or flu symptoms since she was a child, now after having the pizer vaccine she developed a cough immediately and has suffered ever since. My husband had the astrazenica injection and almost died from his platelets knocked out and he’s still suffering. These vaccines should not have been mandatory and we will never be made do this again, the government have destroyed a lot of people’s lives, we will make our own choices from now on.!!!

  • Yes and lost my hearing 5 days after my second Pfizer in my left ear witch I had 100%hearing I now relay on a cochlear inplant to communicate with other people

  • Jenny

    Why as a health care professional was I not able to get stats on Pfizer side effects on dhhs web sites , after having many young people I was treating complaining of cardiac issues ?????

  • Reading these comments makes me feel so distressed. It’s time we had an independent study and comparisons between the Covid vaccinated and unvaccinated.
    There seems to be a lot of anger from the vaccine injured and their lack of support and coercion that led to their declining health.
    It’s time people were held to account.
    Making the claim “safe and effective” when it was well known very early on that people were being injured or dying from the vaccine seems to me to be outright deception yet they still injected our young men who are most at risk of injury. It’s criminal neglect still going on to this day.
    This report only scratches the surface.

  • Jim

    I blame the Government and the medical authorities ruining my life, my financial situation and much more . I had the phizer and it destroyed my nervous system. I have never received and assistance when I became homeless. Why is it the these politicians continually get away with breaking the law. They should criminally charged.

  • Genevieve

    Bravo! Your health is the First Wealth.
    U.S. Court recently ruled it’s not a vaccine and Pffzr & Mod (moduated) (e) rna are financially and criminally liable for injuries and deaths!
    No doubt this will filter through here – eventually

  • Brendon

    I was coerced to take jab – jab or job
    2 Pfizer, evacuated to mackay base hospital and diagnosed with pericarditis due to vacc.
    Unable to work due to ongoing issues for 22mths, lost 20yr career, lost my health, spent all savings, lost investment property etc as had no financial support.
    Went through claims scheme, got misinformation and gaslit over 2 yr period dealing with services Australia.
    Then the most humiliating things was getting $1630 as compensation due to technicality…
    Currently seeking legal advice

  • Sarah

    I lost my health, I’m a mother of 4, I had the Pfizer vaccination and have heart issues where I cant exercise or do normal things i use to.

  • Denis Auberson

    The QHRC failed recognise this and section 17 in their own act when I complained about the draconian covid 19 legislation.

    I lost my government job, dignity, I felt coercion, I was put under duress and ostracised by my employer ( Qld Health) and let down by the QHRC with them failing to uphold section 17 and the covid 19 emergency response act Qld, which is clear. See attached. I was more humiliated and ostracised etc…

    I have even been financially affected.

    Most importantly to me was the fact I was kicked out of mt Coolum nursing home because I was not covid vaccinated and couldn’t spend time with my I’ll father, who passed away a few months later in December 2021.

    I give you permission to access all correspondence to and from me from the QHRC, regarding my complaint and breach of human rights.

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